Agora, para puxar brasa para a minha sardinha, destaco dois trabalhos feitos aqui no Memorial Sloan-Ketering. Ambos mostram dados de pacientes submetidos a um transplante autólogo de células progenitoras hematopoéticas para tratamento de linfoma de Hodgkin.
No primeiro trabalho, o conceito de quimio-sensibilidade é analisado. Nós sabemos que os pacientes que atingem uma remissão completa antes do transplante têm um melhor prognóstico. Teoricamente, a tomografia por emissão de pósitron (PET) é um ótimo meio de verificar se existe linfoma residual. Neste trabalho, o achado surpreendente é que pacientes em remissão completa anatômica (por tomografia computadorizada) têm uma sobrevida melhor do que aqueles com imagem residual mas PET negativo, o que, em tese, poderia representar apenas tecido fibroso. Aparentemente, não é este o caso.
776 Pre-Transplant Evaluation with Both CT and PET Following Second-Line Therapy Is Essential for Predicting Outcome in Patients with Transplant-Eligible Relapsed and Primary Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma
Tuesday, December 9, 2008: 8:30 AM
Yerba Buena Ballroom Salon 7 (San Francisco Marriott)
Alison J. Moskowitz, MD1, Stephen D. Nimer2, Andrew D. Zelenetz, MD, PhD3*, Tarun Kewalramani, MD4*, Jill M Vanak, ACNP5*, Jocelyn c Maragulia5*, Joachim Yahalom, MD6 and Craig Moskowitz, MD7
1Education and Training, Medical Oncology, New York, NY
2Laboratory of Molecular Aspects of Hematopoiesis, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
3Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
4Lahey Clinic, MA
5Medicine, MSKCC, NY, NY
6Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr., New York, NY
7Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Ctr., New York, NY
The standard treatment for relapsed and primary refractory (rel/ref) Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) for patients (pts) who demonstrate chemosensitivity to second-line chemotherapy (ST) is high dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (HDT-ASCT). Since 1994, four studies at our institution evaluated ICE (ifosfamide, carboplatin, and etoposide) based salvage therapy followed by HDT-ASCT in rel/ref HL. Chemosensitivity is a requirement for pts to proceed to HDT-ASCT, however the definition of chemosensitivity is broad. We use both functional imaging (gallium or PET) and CT to assess response to ICE; pts with chemosensitive disease fall into three groups: normalization of CT and FI (NRM), residual mass on CT but with negative FI (RM, FI-), and FI positivity regardless of CT finding (FI+). Here we report the outcome for pts who responded to ICE ST and proceeded to HDT-ASCT.
Between October 1994 and February 2008, 198 pts received ICE on 1 of 4 consecutive protocols (169 pts) or as per protocol (29 pts) and were deemed transplant-eligible. The median follow-up for surviving patients is 7.4 years. There were 99 male pts and 99 female pts; the median age was 31. With respect to the 3 pre-salvage chemotherapy risk factors (RF) (relapse within 1 year of primary treatment, presence of extranodal disease, and B symptoms): 44 pts had 0 RF, 64 had 1 RF, 75 had 2 RF, and 8 had 3 RF. Bulky disease defined as greater than 5cm or 10cm was present in 60 (30%) and 15 (7.5%) pts respectively.
The five year event free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) were 69% and 78% respectively. Seventy six (38%) had a NRM response to ST, 73 (37%) had a RM, FI- response, and 49 (25%) were FI+. The 5 year EFS and OS for the three groups were 86% and 93%, 71% and 79%, and 41% and 51% respectively. There was a statistically significant improvement in OS and EFS for the NRM and RM, FI- groups compared to the FI+ group (p<0.0001). Surprisingly, a comparison between the NRM and RM, FI- groups also revealed a statistically significant improvement in EFS and OS for the NRM group (p=0.05 and 0.04 respectively).
Response to ICE ST followed by HDT-ASCT is associated with a prolonged EFS and OS. The quality of response to ICE ST had a significant impact on outcome. Both a residual mass with normalized FI and abnormal FI after ST predicts for an inferior outcome following HDT-ASCT. However, residual radiotracer on FI was associated with the poorest outcome in both EFS and OS.
CONCLUSION: Outcome cannot be predicted by FI alone since both RM, FI- and FI+ groups had an inferior outcome compared to NRM. The most accurate post treatment evaluation includes both CT and PET.
Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
No segundo trabalho, o novo protocolo para tratamento de linfoma de Hodgkin recaído ou refratário foi analisado. Neste estudo, os pacientes faziam a quimioterapia habitual pré-transplante, ou seja, ICE (ou Mega-ICE, mas isto já é uma outra história). Em seguida, um PET-TC era analisado e se houvesse alguma positividade, o paciente era medicado com mais 4 ciclos de quimioterapia GVD (gencitabina, vinorelbine e doxo-liposomal) antes do transplante. A boa notícia é que os pacientes que entraram em remissão apenas após o GVD tiveram a mesma sobrevida daqueles em que o GVD não foi necessário, muito melhores que os demais. Confiram:
775 Normalization of FDG-PET Pre-ASCT with Additional Non-Cross Resistant Chemotherapy Improves EFS in Patients with Relapsed and Primary Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma-Memorial Sloan Kettering Protocol 04-047
Tuesday, December 9, 2008: 8:45 AM
Yerba Buena Ballroom Salon 7 (San Francisco Marriott)
Craig H. Moskowitz, MD1, Stephen D. Nimer2, Andrew D. Zelenetz, MD, PhD3*, Paul A. Hamlin Jr., MD3, Steven M. Horwitz, MD3, Ariela Noy, MD4, Carol S. Portlock, MD4, David J. Straus, MD5, John Gerecitano, MD, PhD6, Tarun Kewalramani, MD7*, Jill M. Vanak, ACNP8*, Jocelyn C. Maragulia8* and Joachim Yahalom, MD4
1Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Ctr., New York, NY
2Laboratory of Molecular Aspects of Hematopoiesis, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
3Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
4Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr., New York, NY
5Medicine, MSKCC, New York, NY
6Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr., Lymphoma Service, New York, NY
7Lahey Clinic, MA
8Medicine, MSKCC, NY, NY
We have reported that outcome of transplant-eligible patients (pts) with relapsed and primary refractory HL is determined by three pre-second-line chemotherapy (ST) risk factors (RF): remission duration of <1 yr., extranodal disease and B symptoms. In addition, normalization of FDG-PET prior to ASCT is the most important factor predicting favorable EFS. We now report the preliminary results of an ongoing phase II risk-adapted study where HL pts receive the following: Favorable risk (0-1 RF) - one cycle of standard dose ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide (ICE) ST followed by one cycle of augmented ICE; unfavorable risk (2-RF)- 2 cycles of augmented ICE. All pts then underwent a restaging FDG-PET and the results determined the next treatment. Pts with a negative FDG-PET went directly to HDT/ASCT; however if the FDG-PET was still positive, pts received an additional four biweekly cycles of gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2), vinorelbine (20 mg/m2) and liposomal doxorubicin (15 mg/m2) (GVD) followed by repeat FDG-PET scan; pts without evidence of progression then received HDT/ASCT. Preceding high-dose chemotherapy and ASCT, patients that were radiation therapy-naive received involved field radiotherapy (IFRT) followed by total lymphoid irradiation. Selected previously irradiated patients received only IFRT.
Sixty-two pts are evaluable; median follow-up of surviving pts is 30 months; median age was 35. Forty-eight pts had a remission duration of < 1 yr. of those, 28 had primary refractory disease; 28 had extranodal disease and 11 had B symptoms. All patients had previously failed doxorubicin-based chemotherapy; 18 had received prior radiation; of those, 13 failed in the radiation field.
Following first ST chemotherapy with ICE, 3 pts progressed, while 37 pts normalized their FDG-PET scan and currently 31 of these pts are event-free. Twenty-five pts with an improving CT scan after ICE still had a persistently positive FDG-PET; they received the second ST with GVD. Of these, 13 pts normalized their FDG-PET scan and 11 are event-free; the remaining 12 pts had persistently abnormal FDG-PET scan or progressed; only 4 of them are event-free. There was no difference in outcome between the pts who had normal FDG-PET after ICE (pre-ASCT) and those who achieved a negative FDG-PET scan because of the additional ST with GVD. Both of these cohorts had a statistically significant improvement in EFS compared to pts with a persistently positive FDG-PET. In total 46/62 (65%) pts on this program are currently event-free. One pt died from sepsis.
Conclusion: For pts with relapsed and primary refractory HL our evolving strategy is to administer ST until normalization of FDG-PET is achieved prior to HDT/ASCT.
Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Finalmente, a atualização do estudo GOELAMS 072 que com um seguimento de quase 10 anos é evidente que o transplante autólogo como parte do tratamento inicial é melhor do que o CHOP para pacientes com fatores de risco adversos. Como o rituximabe entra nisto, é uma outra questão para os próximos 10 anos.
770 High-Dose Chemotherapy Followed by Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation (auto-SCT) Versus CHOP Regimen in Patients with Untreated Aggressive Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: An Update of the GOELAMS 072 Trial with a Median Follow-up of 9.8 Years
Tuesday, December 9, 2008: 7:15 AM
Yerba Buena Ballroom Salon 7 (San Francisco Marriott)
Thomas Gastinne1*, Gandhi Damaj2*, Thierry Lamy, PhD3*, Norbert Ifrah4*, Eric Deconinck5, Remy Gressin, MD6, Philippe Colombat, MD, PhD7, Vincent Delwail8*, Christian Berthou9*, Jean François Rossi10*, Jean Luc Harousseau11* and Noel-Jean Milpied, PhD12
1CHU de Nantes, Nantes, France
2Groupe Francophone des Myelodysplasies (GFM), Bobigny, France
3Haematology, CHU Rennes, Rennes, France
4service Hématologie, CHU Angers,, Angers, France
5Hematology, INSERM UMR645 - CHU Jean Minjoz, Besançon
6Dept. of Onc.-Haem., CHU Michallon, Grenoble, France
7Service d'Hématologie et Thérapie Cellulaire, CHU de Tours, Tours, France
8Hématologie et Oncologie médicale, CHU Poitiers, Poitiers, France
9CHU Brest, Brest, France
10INSERM U847, Montpellier, France
11Service d'Hématologie, CHU Hotel Dieu, Nantes, France, NAntes, France
12Hopital Haut Leveque - Pessac, Pessac, France
The interest of autologous stem cell transplantation upfront in aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) remains controversial. The GOELAMS 072 was a multicenter randomized prospective trial that enrolled untreated aggressive NHL patients. It was designed to compare the interest of high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (auto-SCT) to the standard CHOP regimen (8 courses every 21 days). From november 1994 to december 1999, 197 patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive either auto-SCT (n= 98) or CHOP regimen (n=99). Because the trial has been initiated in 1994, Rituximab was not included in the therapeutic strategy. According to the aa-IPI index, 80 patients presented at diagnosis with a low intermediate and 105 with a high intermediate risk of death. The final results demonstrated that high-dose chemotherapy followed by auto-SCT was superior to CHOP: the 5-year event-free survival estimates (EFS) were 55% versus 37% and the 5-year overall survival (OS) estimates for high intermediate IPI patients were 74% versus 44%, respectively.
The results of the GOELAMS 072 trial was published in the NEJM in 2004 (Milpied et al., NEJM). Second line treatment was left at the discretion of the investigators.This study reports an update of the GOELAMS 072 trial with an extended follow-up (FU) period.
All of the GOELAMS 072 pts were considered elligible for the purpose of this analysis. The primary endpoints were EFS (defined as progression, relapse or death) and OS). To date, 151 among the 197 patients have been evaluated: 77 patients were initially randomized in CHOP Arm and 74 in auto-SCT Arm. Patients characteristics at diagnosis were similar in both arms. The median FU (calculated from time of diagnosis) was 9.8 years. Fifty six events (72.2 % of the patients) have been reported in CHOP arm compared to 41 (55.4%) in the auto-SCT arm. Three patients experienced a secondary malignancy after auto-SCT compared to 4 patients after CHOP. The 9.8 year EFS and OS estimates for patients assigned to receive CHOP versus those assigned to receive auto-SCT were 45.7% vs 27% (p=0.1) and 55% vs 33% (p=0.068); respectively. Among patients with a high intermediate risk of death, the 9.8 year EFS and OS estimates were 47% vs 22% (p=0.049) and 57 vs 28% (p=0.015), respectively (see figure 1).
In conclusion, this long-term analysis (with a median FU of 9.8 years) of the GOELAMS 072 trial confirms that auto-SCT remains superior to CHOP in term of EFS and OS. In note, the advantage of an intensive strategy including auto-SCT is particulary observed for untreated aggressive NHL patients presenting with a high intermediate IPI score. Interstingly, the occurrence of a EFS plateau suggests that a subgroup of patients might be cure by auto-SCT. Because Rituximab has been shown to prolonge OS in aggressive NHL, the interest of high-dose chemotherapy plus Rituximab followed by auto-SCT compared to R-CHOP is still pending. The ongoing GOELAMS 075 prospective trial is addressing this issue.
Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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